There was also wine, capri suns, a porta-cool portable air conditioner (I must get one of these), balloons, and a bubble machine. The Shark was in heaven.
If you live in the Dallas area, Tony can do a butterfly presentation and event for your school. Pop on over to and check it out.
Unfortunately, I holding the baby instead of manning the camera, so there aren't any photos of the event. These lovely photos are from the interwebs (and are linked to their original websites, if you want to know where they came from).
Overall, a fantastic butterfly week all around.
I also wanted to give you some great links I found, in case you want to have your own Butterfly Week.
Here's some link love:
national geographic video: shows life cycle, the difference between a butterfly & a moth (and a butterfly getting eaten by a chameleon)
a really cool PBS tv show episode about butterflies (elementary age)
great website for older kids
probably the best butterfly site of all, which didn’t come up in my google search:
For the young ones, some very cute ideas & songs
good links – click through to each category for art, snack, & more
When you mentioned this earlier, I wondered who the Butterfly Guy was- Tony is great! He's a friend but I haven't seen him in ages. I'm so glad your neighborhood had him do a presentation. Very cool.